ディズニーシーのロゴ(セリフ部分)に使われるフォントは、 Americana ExtraBold によく似ています。 1965年に書体作家のRichard IsbellがデザインしたAmericanaフォント群は、3種類の太さとイタリック体で構成されています。John Yaglenski and Erwin Denissen Technical consultation Waltograph v42 Drawing inspiration from various Disney logos, signage, and handtitled artwork, WALTOGRAPH is an original font that attempts to capture the spirit of the familiar Walt Disney logotype Updates in version 42 include a new title (formerly Walt Disney Script ), newSince listing all of the typefaces used at Walt Disney World would be impossible, and a huge waste of time, here's a list of just the few that I've noticed, and the locations at which I recall seeing them (yes, still a huge waste of time) I've attempted to group them loosely into categories, which are listed in the navigation menu to the right
ディズニー表札の更新 我が家のディズニーパーク化計画
ディズニー フォント アプリ